Age Group Champion

Richard Davis

Congratulations to Richard Davis in becoming the 2023 Over 80s and over 85s National Masters Slalom Champion.

He also comes out top on the Masters/Veterans combined League, where performances from both Masters Races and Veterans races are ranked together.

Richard has a long and distinguished paddling career, he has raced in Marathon (or Long Distance as it was called), Slalom, and Wild Water Racing. He is still competing at the age of 85 and show no sign of retiring yet.

This is probably about 50 years ago!

So there are no excuses not to be involved, you might say Richard is amazing for his age, on the other hand maybe his is amazing because he keeps himself active? Why not give canoeing ago, you don’t have to ride teh rapids or race long distances, you could just come along and have a gentle paddle in one of our open canoes, some friendly chat and gentle exercise is the way to a better life.

At The Sharks we believe in sport for all, we have projects in Greenford, Harlesden, Harefield, and Southall. During the Summer months we operate in Osterley Park as well. We have big plans for 2024, we would like you to be part of those plans. For more information call/text 07951 770241 or email:

Honorable mentions to other older Sharks:

Danny Dalrymple, top Combined Master/Veteran over 75.

Susan Templeton, second Master over 65 and 3rd in the Unified Masters and Veterans.

Neal Underwood, 2nd in the Masters Over 60s and 4th in the Combined V&M.

Click on the picture, volume up.

Rick Moore, who came second in the combined V&M and 7th Veteran in the UK. We are also grateful to Rick for designing and maintaining the Master/Veterans Combined Rankings.

Volume on and click

The one thing all these people have in common is they are having fun, they are keeping fit and healthy in body and in mind. join us and start enjoying yourself, start feeling the benefits of a fun active life whatever your age. For more information call/text 07951 770241 or email:

The Sharks are affiliated to British Canoeing, we are a not-for-profit club, be part of us and help us to grow so we can reach even more people, both young and not so young.

Published 13th November 2023