This event has been postponed
We will provide more information, once a new date has been confirmed. The race has been postponed for safety reasons due to rising river levels.
Less than an hours drive from our sites in West London, Elbridge is the nearest ranking Marathon to us (at least until we start organising one), some of you will recognise the location as it sits just opposite Shepperton Slalom Canoe Club.

Details of the race are available here.
Entry level for paddlers over 14 is Division 9, and is 8 kilometres (about 5 miles), there are no portages and the cost for adults is £12 and for juniors (under 18) £10. You need to be able to paddle a racing boat, but we do have some very stable ones.
For paddlers under-14-years old the race distance is 4k, no portages and costs £5. for those under-12, it is 2k and raced in Lightnings
Race day is split in to two, in the mornings there are the Geoff Sunders races, which is for under-14s, and division 7,8, and 9 (the 6.5k races). To race these we need to be on-site at 9:30, with the briefing at 10am (telling you the route) and the races start at 10:30. Prize giving is at 1:30.
Divisions 1,2, and 3 (20k) with 2 portages, and Divisions 4, 5, and 6 (12k) with two portages is in the afternoon. Briefing at 12:15, race starts at 12:45 and prizegiving at 4pm.
Our lower division paddlers could watch the start of the higher division and the depart after prizegiving, but of course would be welcome to watch the whole race.
We have recently been rebuilding our Marathon team and have raced at a few events this year.
We have raced at Elmbridge before.
To get involved, to find out more, please give us a call or text on 07951 770241 or email us at marathon@thesharks, You can speak to any of our coaches at our racing sessions.
Published Saturday 14th September 2024.