Sunday 18th August
Race at Tonbridge Hasler Marathon on Sunday 18th August and earn Hasler points for The Sharks. There are distances for all abilities from just 2k (1.25 miles) for under-12s to 21k (13 miles) for the top ranked paddlers.
The race distance for nder-14s is 4k and for entry level adults is about 8k (5 miles). So why not put the date in your diary and come and join us for some fun paddling.
We have recently been to Oxford Falcon Marathon and Southampton Marathon, and now it is time to get some points in the Hasler Championship, which is a rationalised competition. We are in the London and South-East Region. It would be great to have a large Shark contingent there, to establish our intentions for the future and more importantly have some fun.

Tonbridge Marathon, is in Kent on the River Medway, near Tonbridge Castle, TN9 1HR. It is between 60 and 70 miles away, depending which way you choose to drive round the M25. Probably take about an hour-and-a-half.
Entry details are yet to be published, as soon as they are, we will update and let you know. If you are interested in Marathon Racing, or want to know more, get in touch. You can call or text us on 07951 770241 or you can email

Published Saturday 27th July 2024