Race Results Forth and Clyde
Grant Underwood was back in domestic action after his 24k race in Amsterdam. This time it was 11k in Division four of the Hasler Marathon, on the Forth and Clyde Canal
This was Grant’s first domestic marathon for several years and he came 4th in the race, with a time of 1:04.16, earning him 4th place.

The Sharks hold regular Marathon sessions at Harlesden, Greenford and Southall and are always looking for new paddlers, you don’t need any experience, we teach beginners, you don’t need any special kit as we will provide it. However, experienced paddlers are also very welcome. For more information, please get in touch, call/text us on 07951 770241 or email: canoeing@thesharks.org.uk.

Published 6th May 2024