250 participants over the holiday!
250 people have been paddling with The Sharks over the Easter Holidays, We had 130 attend our re-launch day at Harlesden on Saturday 30th, with and additional 145 attending other sessions!

We ran six days of sessions, two sessions per day at Harlesden in Partnership with Canal and River Trust, which attracted another 13 people, we also had 15 people at our Southall site as part of the Let’s Leap Holiday programme run at Three Bridges School.
Our regular Harlesden Sessions are back at 5pm on Mondays and Wednesdays, they follow our sessions with Harlesden Primary School, which is supported by GLi Urban life (KSP London). Sessions cost just £6 per person (pay cash or card on site), to find out more or to get involved please contact us on 07951 770241 or email: sprint@thesharks.org.uk.
Published Sunday 14th April 2024