Another Good month in Sharkland
As Summer cranks up so do Shark activities and we have had some great fun in July.
Our competitive teams have been active this month we introduced a new Sprint Competition at Harlesden. A 500 metre race, with our now ongoing leader board, anyone form any club is welcome to come and have a go.
As part of our Sprint Development Programme, we introduced the Harlesden Primary School Championships. We would really like to extend this to other schools in teh area, if you are interested please get in touch on 07951 770241, or email:

Our Marathon paddlers were also back inaction at Southampton, particular mention to Ivijah Campbell-Bryan, who not only won his division, but was faster than all of those in the division above.
Shepperton Slalom saw Liah Boyle back in action for teh first time this year, winning on both days. Ivijah was there also picking up medals, for a first and second place in weather, which could hardly be described as Summer.
Meanwhile Rick Moore came second in the Veterans event at Ironbridge.
We have continued our work with various partners, delivering free sessions to large numbers of people across West London.
Canal and River Trust has been helping us deliver sessions at Harlesden, whilst Let’s Leap have been partnering us in Southall, and at Osterley Park we have been working with Learning Tree, the Young Explorers, and St. Anslem’s Church.
During July we were still doing our regular after school clubs with Three Bridges School and Harlesden Primary School as well as core curriculum work at Three Bridges and Sybil Elgar School. Additionally we welcomed St. Mary’s School and Khalsa Primary School to sessions.
We continued our regular club sessions at Harefield, Southall and Harlesden. Family Fun sessions running at Osterley Park. We also started new session at teh Green Quarter in Southall.
Published 12th August 2024